I have recently published a book in an attempt to exonerate Joseph Smith from any connection with polygamy. It is titled Joseph Smith Revealed, A Faithful Telling: Exploring an Alternate Polygamy Narrative. Joseph Smith was one of the purest men to have ever walked this earth. I believe that because he was of such pure heart he was naive to the evil that exists in men's hearts. I do believe that Joseph was sealing women to himself, but I do not believe that it had anything to do with sexual promiscuity or polygamy. Rather, I believe that it had everything to do with linking together the family of God on this earth. The women sealed to Joseph were not his wives in any sense of the word. They were a necessary link to their fathers, husbands, and brothers so that Joseph could seal together a numerous extended posterity. This book lays out the truth behind the LDS Church's false history and explains who was truly responsible for introducing the practice of polygamy to the Church: Brigham Young and other apostles. This book also explains what it was the Joseph was really doing and why it is important, even vital, for us to understand the truths he was revealing for the salvation of all mankind.
You can find the book on either kindle, or paperback here
It is far past time for the LDS Church to admit the truth about polygamy and to end the practice of it once and for all. The women of the Church have wept long enough.